Friday 16 April 2010

another end of the split

after thinking about reflections  and the space between them, i am moving slowly on  dealing with copies . The leaving of the kingdom of speech into another artificial reality, letters from the body lotion falling apart like a tiresome old relationship, but still referring to to each other because  the line makes the letter and they seem to be related , cannot realize what they don´t have in common, is the beginning of this split.
 also about the grid that letters are attached to, like a constant beat probably electronic, construction and prison, interested where the grid stays and the symbols get changed sth new unrecognizable. i still don't know if it is possible to communicate without a grid  but i still have this romantic longing also i don't know how serious i am about. as the monsieur Flaubert said even in the the most intimate confidence there is always sth that remains unsaid. So far about reaching out and being reached by the other, as truth maybe dissatisfying but it is at least one in me I can relate to the issue.
 that line is what came out of me in an moment i tried to get away from the world by an action that was easy and fluent and at the same time i was marking sth that is not mine me getting close to that person and stepping over social frontier without being invasive , what would have caused a less positive outcome of the thing and this will be avoiding my obsession.

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