Friday, 26 February 2010

bleak memoirs


This are some sketches of the sculptures i never did, probably i was thinking they were to brutal in the end, in the end  I did throw out that book with them in it. There it is again someone abusing an library book, this time it was me, haven´t really thought much about them but now looking at them I miss that book. It was about an East German sculptor. It was very bleak, i don´t even know if there was any other emotion than death, fear, grief and need for shelter, there is sth about the unfantastic that really calmed me, also the fact that i never heard of this person, and the book was done in brown cloth, i hope it was linen, there were also pictures of his studio but i did not see any cats purring around the torsos, since this another beautiful thing that i would like to see, everything looked cold and old, not like the past more sth nonexistent, non exciting. 
Reminded me of another book I never finished reading, the biography of my adored Mr. Cornell Woolrich "First you dream and then you die", which also made also an very lasting impression of loneliness on me. I could not finish it, but I do still have it. Maybe because it is in English and I  tend to get rid easier of German books.
There were many more (pictures) but I concentrated in this selection on the heads, and things about heads.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

After going crazy about the effekthascherei of certain computer-programs, I recollected my simple senses and remembered my animated past and present,
"Empty Screens"

and is still amazing how long things can keep you engaged and never really happen  to clear what it is and especially where it is going to. Seems to be the  precious experience on this project.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

because my comp is down it will take a break here in the meantime. I will read some of the "Laws of Imitation" by Gabrielle Tarde.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

vita nervosa

and again the split.

Interiors, again.

I am looking through you.

The work before is an experiment with spatial and symbolic meaning , also with screen realities, mise en scĂ©ne or I guess it is better to call it reality and fiction. A movie and a hair dye coinciding, as wall as the red hair of the leads mirroring, but that it sth that was not important in the set up. Arranged in a flat with corridors, mirrors and rooms and of course a TV screen. Most interesting for  me was the same moment of fiction and reality and their mix, and their concurrence, synchrony and remaining difference. There are plenty of more shots with people in it , but at the moment it seems to be more important to concentrate on this, also due to my interest in interiors. The questions that comes up now for me . Is there anything better as an sketch? I don´t mean concerning this work also I try to get an general answer.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Murder she wrote

    "Comfort of Strangers"
    "Have you ever loved a woman"
    "The Modiglani had gone"


 This are the last pictures of my "Murder she wrote"  epos, part of the ever   
 ongoing "Vita nervosa" project. Also the the before posted suicidal cigarette is
 a part of this but it is really called "Julie, looks, emotional.". Coming from my
 passion for crime novels which according to Highsmith also pay well, Brecht was  into them because it is the antidote to capitalist strains & stresses. I still have to find the lecture of Mister Eisenstein where he explains why The Crime novel can only exist in an capitalistic society: One of his other opinions was supposedly that Walt Disney´s animation and I guess Animation itself is beyond good and evil. which is somehow sth else then what is said about cinema, cinema, cinema. If I have an intellectual explanation for this I will let you know,
COPY THAT!. I am glad that other people do also have an opinion about these important things because sometimes I get lost in normal cinema. Dull narrative against aggressive abstraction, I hope so.

Friday, 5 February 2010


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