Sunday, 7 February 2010

Murder she wrote

    "Comfort of Strangers"
    "Have you ever loved a woman"
    "The Modiglani had gone"


 This are the last pictures of my "Murder she wrote"  epos, part of the ever   
 ongoing "Vita nervosa" project. Also the the before posted suicidal cigarette is
 a part of this but it is really called "Julie, looks, emotional.". Coming from my
 passion for crime novels which according to Highsmith also pay well, Brecht was  into them because it is the antidote to capitalist strains & stresses. I still have to find the lecture of Mister Eisenstein where he explains why The Crime novel can only exist in an capitalistic society: One of his other opinions was supposedly that Walt Disney´s animation and I guess Animation itself is beyond good and evil. which is somehow sth else then what is said about cinema, cinema, cinema. If I have an intellectual explanation for this I will let you know,
COPY THAT!. I am glad that other people do also have an opinion about these important things because sometimes I get lost in normal cinema. Dull narrative against aggressive abstraction, I hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you schwadronierbacke. what da fucking frick is moddering around in your compulsive avantgardist brains...i love your nonsense sweetheart...... always up for a ride ....when ever you are ready for da moans vibrating right into your cosmos
loooooooooooving ya more than the ocean tides drowning the stars and all the rest...m☯na


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